What are cookies?

A cookie is a set of information that is stored in the form of a file on your computer by the website you have visited. The website uses them to obtain more information about certain settings and your behavior on the Internet (such as e-mail address, web browser settings, etc.). You must consent to the collection of your name or e-mail.

When you visit the same page again, the Internet browser sends back the cookies that belong to it, which allows the display of the page to be adapted to your needs and preferences. It is important to emphasize that the website cannot access other files on the user's computer or gain access to information that the user has not previously provided. This is a common practice used by the vast majority of websites, and according to the directive of the European Union, we are obliged to ask for your consent before saving cookies. If you do not give permission, cookies cannot access the files on your computer and you will not be able to use certain functions that the website provides.

What cookies does centarzlata.com use

Session cookies  

These cookies are automatically removed from your personal computer when you close your internet browser. They allow the website to obtain temporary data, such as comments or the state of the shopping cart.

Persistent cookies

These cookies remain in your web browser even after closing and usually have an expiration date. centarzlata.com uses permanent cookies to facilitate access for registered users. They store information such as username and password, which allows your entry to be logged every time you visit the site, so you don't need to type your username every time. Persistent cookies will remain recorded on your computer for days, months, years or until you remove them yourself.

Cookies from the first side

First-party cookies come from the website you are on and can be temporary or permanent. They make it easier for you to use the website every time you visit that website.

Third-party cookies

There are several external services that store limited cookies for the user (Meta, Google, Hubspot, Mailchimp). This type of cookie is not set by centarzlata.com and most often serves as an aid in interpreting user behavior and for marketing purposes.

How to disable cookies?

If you do not want to store cookies, the storage settings can be configured in the web browser settings.